mfgCON 2018: Call for Speakers Open

Do you have best practices to share with your manufacturing peers? This is your opportunity to share your insights, knowledge and experience with an exclusive audience. The call for speakers for mfgCON 2018 is now open! The fourth mfgCON will be held at the Durham Convention Center in Durham, NC on September 18th and 19th.  The annual conference offers the opportunity for attendees to learn and share best practices and to network with their peers. Although we welcome submissions from consultants or vendors, such proposals will be considered only if co-presenting with a manufacturer client. Co-presenters must be identified at time of submission in order to be considered.

This year’s focus areas are:

Track 1: Workforce Development: This track will provide best practices and strategies for recruiting and retaining a skilled workforce. Suggested topics include recruiting and retention, training within industry, project management and time studies, teamwork, knowledge management/onboarding/offboarding, introducing robotics and automation without terrifying your workforce, employee engagement, developing a pipeline: youth apprenticeship models.

Track 2:  On The Plant Floor – Optimizing Production and Operations: This track will focus on improving plant floor operations to increase productivity and profit. Topics can include lean manufacturing, process improvement, automation, Kaizen events, value-stream mapping, quality management systems

Track 3: Leadership and Culture: This track will offer insight as it relates to personal leadership development and career growth. Also, this track will cover the importance of organizational culture. Suggested topics could include change leadership, leadership development, building the agile organization, leading the lean facility, building a winning culture, developing a value-based company, learning to leverage changes and disruption, time management, teamwork, personal advocacy, .

Track 4: Business Growth and Innovation: This track is designed to share best practices related to market expansion, distribution and new product development. Suggested topics include business expansion support, how the Internet of things (IoT) can help your business, the impact of new manufacturing technology on business growth, supply chain strategy, how to become a government contractor, market intelligence, export assistance, using social media to market your company and grow your business, how the new tax laws affect manufacturers, NAFTA impact on manufacturers

If you think you have what it takes to inspire the NC manufacturing community, please submit a proposal before April 20, 2018. When you are ready to submit go to the mfgCON website and select the form that corresponds to your preferred track. You may submit more than one abstract but we ask that you complete a separate form for each submission.

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